Monday, June 11, 2012

One Body.....with many parts and many gifts!

As we continue to prepare for our 2012 Mission Trip to Costa Rica, I stand in awe at what God is doing and we haven't even left yet! Our team just keeps on "wowing" me.  I am humbled to be one of the team leaders. Our home church, First United Methodist Church of San Angelo, has blessed us with their prayers and financial support. We have two wonderful team members who are members of St. Luke UMC in San Angelo and they have stepped forward and are providing all of the Vacation Bible School supplies, as well as planning the craft projects for us.  One team member made small, hand crosses made from Purple Heart wood from the Costa Rica rainforest for each of the team members. What a special gift to hold in our hands as we pray for each other and the people of Costa Rica that we haven't even met yet! This same team member is going to make small crosses from a wood from Texas to give to each child who attends VBS. Two of our team members are deligently watching over our finances and helping us raise funds so that money is not an obstacle to keep anyone from being able to go on this life changing mission trip. Two of our young men are working together (even though one of them lives out of state) to see that we have music for VBS. One of our young ladies is studying graphic design and worked on our logo for our team t-shirts. One of our greatest supporters has helped organize every fundraiser we've done, although he is not able to go on the trip this year. He went last year and believes in what we're doing there! One of our team members is an amazing story teller and speaks fluent Spanish. She will be telling our VBS story of Zacchaeus. Both she and her daughter are going and both are blind. Regardless of having what some of us might call a "handicap", they area amazing team members and I can't imagine them not being a part of our team. While we are a team of 22 individuals, we are one as the Body of Christ.  I have always loved 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul teaches us about Spiritual Gifts. This team is using the Spiritual gifts God gave them to contribute to the team God has put together. We ARE one body...with many parts and many gifts! Thank you, Lord, for this team. Watch over us as we continue to do your work in Costa Rica.  Amen