Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day Three of Work in Costa Rica!

We hit the ground running again this morning and got back to work at the Methodist Children's Home! We had a great day of pouring concrete, moving more dirt, and making forms for the concrete pillars! About mid-afternoon we drove from there to a church in Llano Grande near San Jose. The drive took us literally through the clouds as we drove up, up, and away into some of the beautiful higher elevations surrounding San Jose. We held a short vacation Bible school again at a small Methodist Church there and then returned home for the evening! Tomorrow we have one more day of work at the children's home and then it will almost be time to head home! (Can you believe it?) Check out today's pictures...smiles everywhere!


  1. I remember that little church so well! Such a passionate, loving group of people that love the Lord so deeply. Did you all know that there are plans to build them a new church in the future??? Maybe another mission trip????? God bless you in all that you do!

  2. I love seeing all that you r doing...connecting with the Body of Christ immediately via your blog site. How exciting to see the faces of both team members and the Costa Ricans. May God's blessings pour on you today as you continue to spread the gospel beyond the borders of FUMC!

    In His love,

    Lisa Lesosky
