Saturday, August 11, 2012

Final Days in Costa Rica!

We have finally wrapped up our time in Costa Rica! Luckily, we had the chance to get in some R&R after our week of work in San Jose. Yesterday, we stopped first at a place called La Paz, a nature reserve and park. La Paz is complete with mountain lions, snakes, oxen, butterflies, monkeys, and some incredible waterfalls - some of which were 85 feet tall! The altitude at La Paz is about 5,000 feet, so the weather was not warm. In fact, when it rained it was even cool! We also celebrated the birthday of our driver Javier. (See the pictures below!) We spent the day today resting here at the Hotel Buena Vista in Pilas, Costa Rica. It seems like our trip just started, but unbelievably it's already time to pack up and go home. We will do our best to bring some rain back to San Angelo! (It's rains almost every day here so rainwater is abundant!) Thank you all so much for your support and prayers!  Although we were battered, bruised and sore from the work we put in at the children's home this week, the week was amazing and we are all looking foward to next year!!! 

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