Friday, August 3, 2012

We're Ready to Go!

El Amor De Cristo Para El Mundo   (The Love of Christ for the World)   Those are the words on the back of our team t-shirts. Wow!  Those are important words. When we designed out shirts, all I thought about was they needed to "look cute and have a nice message".  Now that we're about to leave for Costa Rica in less than 24 hours, the message on our shirts is starting to set in with me. (They DO look cute, too!) I feel in my heart that God has put together His team and that we are ready, in our own way, to take the the Love of Christ to Costa Rica. While we work doing construction work during the morning and early afternoon, I think we'll not only be showing the Love of Christ in what we're doing, but maybe more importantly in HOW we're doing it and how we're interacting with each other and with the men on the worksite. We're going to have the opportunity, while we work, to be kind, understanding and patient with each other. While I know that when you're hot and tired and being stretched physically that's not always easy to do......I have confidence in this team that that's what we WILL show to each other. Our actions toward each other will speak loudly to everyone around us. I know we will then show the Love of Christ to the World (or atleast to the children and parents we meet) as we lead Vacation Bible School to the children of the Methodist Children's Home and area churches. I am always amazed each time I visit Costa Rica at the simple life they lead and how excited the children and parents are at the very loving, but simple VBS we lead for them. Such different expectations than the children and parents of most churches in the US. I love the simplicity  of their lives.  So many thoughts going through my mind this morning as I pack, pray and prepare.  If you're reading this blog, I ask that you keep God's team in your prayers. Our names are listed in an earlier post so you can pray for us by name. We hope to be making updates to our blog and FaceBook page each day. Internet service can be a bit "sketchy", but we're hopeful. Pura Vida!!

1 comment:

  1. Bienvenido a Costa Rica! I hope your flights were uneventful (and on time!) and that you're settling in ok. What an amazing team God has woven together for this trip. You have the best team leaders ever, and this (like every Emmaus Walk) will be the BEST TRIP EVER! Take time to enjoy the beautiful country and the beautiful people who live there. I know the transformational power of the Holy Spirit will be at work this week, and I look forward to hearing all about it. Worship Sunday will be a treat… what a blessing to be part of a connectional church that reaches all across the globe! As Team #6, you are part of a long and wonderful partnership between FUMC and the UM ministries of Costa Rica. Thank you for continuing that tradition! May God bless each and every one of you as you share the Good News this week in Costa Rica! I can hardly wait to get an update on the Children's Home. Post lots of pics! Please remember to tell the Zirkels hello for me! Enjoy some beans & rice! :) You are in my constant thoughts and prayers! Adios! Love, Sherrie
