Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day at the Methodist Children's Home!

Today was a great day for the FUMC missionaries here in Costa Rica! Our morning started at 7 a.m. at our residence for the week - La Igesia Evangelica Metodista de Costa Rica. The seminary is under the leadership of the Rev. Ray Zirkel and his wife Lydia. We enjoyed a great breakfast provided by the seminary and then made our way across town to get to work!

This week we will be assisting with the construction of the Methodist Children's Home here in the city of San Jose. The children's home is a multi-phase project which was started by the Methodist Church here just a few years ago. The children's home is continually worked on by the numerous mission groups that come here! Even though it is a work in progress,  it is also already home to a small group of loving children! (More on them in a minute.)

Today's work included a lot of digging ditches (or as we like to call it... "moving mountains!"), tying rebar, pouring concrete, and many other odd jobs all over the place!

 Later in the afternoon, we transitioned into a short vacation Bible school for the children. Activities included a little live musical entertainment complete with drums, tambourines, and noisemakers (which were very popular.)  After the music, the children enjoyed a skit acting out the story of Zacchaeus. Our team member Glenn was given the most demanding role of the skit - the tree. After the skit, the children enjoyed arts and crafts and then moved outside for a game of soccer and some fun with a giant colored parachute!

Tomorrow we will return to the Methodist Home for another day of moving mountains!

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