Sunday, August 5, 2012

What a Sunday!!

What a day we've had! I can't even express how powerful the worship experience we had this morning was. It's late. I'm tired and could never put into words in my exhausted state how meaningful it was. I will say that to hear voices joined together singing How Great Thou Art with part of us singing in English and part of us in Spanish was amazing! After worship, we had lunch at a wonderful place with a fabulous view and then visited the ruins of the oldest church in Costa Rica. This evening as we had our devotional time, my socks were once again knocked off by three of our young men as they lead our devotional time. We than shared "where we saw God today" before being joined by Ray Zirkle and seeing a wonderful PowerPoint presentation and hearing all that the Methodist Church has going on in CR. To see pictures of a church that some of our team members worked on in 2008 and then pictures of the children's home that we worked on last year and will be working on tomorrow warmed my heart. I love these people and I love this country. I hope to include pictures tomorrow, but's time for rest! God bless each of you who may be reading this blog. We feel your prayers and we thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Many preayers and blessings coming your way! I know...I've been can hardly believe how much your lives are being touched and impacted! You are being blessed tremendously with each hour. BUT....never doubt or forget how important your work is there in CR. The country.....especially the children there need you and are soooo thankful that God sent such a great team to do such amazing work! Keep it up! Much love Tammy Vaught

  3. Blessings to all of you this beautiful Monday morning! may God pour his blessings upon you today as you continue His work in Costa Rica. My prayers are with you as you continue to build His kingdom.

    Lisa Lesosky
